Work for Privy

When I started working with Privy, they were sitting pretty as the most downloaded tool in the entire Shopify app store. But they were also quickly evolving beyond their origins as an email list growth tool to a full blown ecommerce marketing platform. This needed to be communicated clearly to expand their customer base without sacrificing their dominant market position as a list growth tool.

Over the course of a couple years, I collaborated with them on copy for a new version of their home page, multiple product pages, and more. The company continued growing rapidly, culminating in an acquisition by SMS marketing platform Attentive.

“Working with Will is fantastic. Period. He does such a great job at digging into the why and how on anything he's writing about. Having someone who can tell your product story really well has a huge ROI because it usually takes executives and other employees a long time to figure it out on their own (and their time is money).

“That's a win-win, to hire a copywriter who can read your mind and deliver the right end result. Hire Will. You won't regret it.”

Daniel J. Murphy, Former VP of Marketing at Privy

Privy Home Page

Why Privy Page

